☕️Fighting Lustful thoughts

I have an active mind but i think it's bad for me

You can't stop the birds of worry and despair from flying over your head, but you can stop them from building nests in your hair.
Chinese proverb

Person A: “Sir Emeka, I don’t need to watch suggestive movies or listen to secular songs for me to be triggered to watch porn”

Emeka: Laughs in i can totally relate 

Person A: I can just be on my own and the thought will just come and I will act on it.

Growth geng, can you relate?
I’m sure you can relate

The reason I tell you to cut off sexually suggestive movies and vile songs is because that is the first step of getting the “devil’s whip off your back” but that’s not where it ends…

Imagine with me

A slave being trained with whips

A Slave named kola is trained with whips to wake up by 4am to fetch water and this has gone on for 9 years…
finally, kola is saved from his slave master but even after his freedom kola still wakes up by 4am and goes to the poolside 🙃

You see, this is what happens to a lot of you

You’ve been in addiction for more than 9 years (or even less) but the devil has trained your mind with music, videos, and vulgar conversations….
That’s his whip.

you don’t need triggers to get you started…

I remember fighting with lustful thoughts and I knelt in prayer telling God how the confessions were no longer helping, that I needed help…
The Lord just told me to “read my bible” 😂

I know it sounds funny and simple but it worked!
it worked!

The Lord said “The goal is not to clear your mind but to fill it with something else”

If it took a master(the devil) to bring you to this point then it takes another master(Jesus) with his “whip” to mold you into shape…
His whip is the word, sermons, songs about him, edifying conversations.

It takes intentionality to fully submit

If you do not understand me…

Read your bible! and read it every day
it would do something to your mind.


With Love,
Evangelist Emeka Ezera
Chief Growth Explorer,
Growth Squad 🌱✨

PS. Do you know you can send a reply to this email and I will see. your reply can be a burning question.